Sunday 17 August, 2008

TsRiAlFiFcIoCn JvAaMlMlMeMy

"LONG WEEKEND", this word brightens all techie's face. People start preparing for there long weekend plans!!, I am not diffrent, Planned to go to my native to have nice food for three days and gain some weight. Thought of celebrations lasts till you think about Bangalore Traffic, This time I have experienced second worst Traffic in my bangalore life???
Previous day of long weekend, bangalore completely stops, circles near mejestic gets into infinite loop? it looks like 'silicon valley' stuffed in 'Traffic Jam'. People start staring each other having question in there eyes asking "What to do Now?" and cursing each vehicle around them!!!.
Who is responsible for this?

Bangalore Roads: When U drive on Banglore roads, question pops in ur mind, Why do we call this city as 'Hightech city?'.

Traffic Police: I really pity this department, they are more busy in collecting fine than controlling traffic!!!

Traffic Rules: Illiterate people not following rules is exeptible, but so called techie people are the most traffic rules violaters. This is real disaster!!. BMTC Buses and Autos are also added to this list. BMTC drivers are to be trained, where to stop the bus.

Infrastructure: This is one more disaster!!, still bangalore doesnt have proper drainage system!! so question again pops Why people call this as "HighTech City"?????

Will this get solved? When does Bangalore becomes Real Hight tech city? or is Bangalore is at its LIMIT?

1 comment:

MuthuForIIMA said...

I think,the Bangalore is at its limit,Not only is it almost all Indian big cities are at their limits.

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